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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Children Criminals, a disturbing development in Daytona Beach

Adding to the moral breakdown of a city mired in corruption, the recent trend of children involved in criminal acts is absolutely unacceptable. Two ten-year-olds have been charged with felony aggravated battery for assaulting a homeless man.

The children helped a teenager throw rocks at the homeless man and then bashed his face with a cinder block. The victim was sent to the hospital with a serious head would

This is despicable... there is no excuse for this whatsoever
Officer Greg Grayson
Daytona Beach Police Department

We have heard of stories where Daytona Beach homeless people get brutally attacked by thugs, but when two ten-year-olds are caught doing the same, this raises serious questions about the state of anarchy that has befallen the city. While the city's leaders are focused on providing city contracts, gifts and other financial benefits to their cronies, they have neglected the well-being and security of the people they serve.

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